As promised- here it is. This one is for my boys' camping birthday party invites. The tutorial pictures provided are for the inside of the card only.
Supplies needed:
2-5x10 pieces of cardstock (one for card base, one for inside) Any colors
craft knife/hobby blade
ruler/straight edge
anything else you want to use for embellishments
For the Outside:
Fold one piece of cardstock in half so that you end up with a 5x5 square. This will be your card base. I cut a smaller square of Very Vanilla and stamped and embellished it for my card front.
For the Inside:
Fold your other piece of cardstock in half. With a ruler find the middle of the fold line. For a 5x5 that would be at 2.5". Put another mark on both sides of the middle mark. One at 3" and one at 2".(picture 1) You can erase the mark at 2.5". Now you are going to use your ruler again and at the 2" mark draw a line 1" above the fold and 1" below the fold. (picture 2) Take your craft knife along your straight edge cutting along the 2 lines you just drew. (picture 3) Pull that pice that you just cut toward youand crease it in the middle. This will become what you attach your image to. (picture 4) Now add what ever image you want for your pop-up. I attached it with dimensionals, and decorate the rest of your card as desired. I added the party info. (picture 5) I hope this was easy enough to follow. Feel free to email me with any questions:epayne@glis.cc
Great tutorial. Thanks for sharing with us. Love the card to!!
Ok, I thought I was the only one that had a "rolling ruler!" LOL! Great tutorial, thanks!
Cheryl KVD
that card is awesome -- i love it
Love your tutorial!
Very detailed. Could your clue me in to what rolling ruler you are using and the mat in the posted pictures. They look like they would be very helpful!
I also love your blog!
Sharon Uibel
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