Austin with his 4th grade teacher

Cameron with his 1st grade teacher. Allergies got the best of him the first week of school.

Carter today waiting to go to school.

My big boys, Austin and Cameron, actually started back to school on the 26th, but today is Carter's first day. I thought I'd share their first day pictures before I post my card for the day. I can't tell you how excited Carter was to get going this morning. He was ready for school by 7:30 and school doesn't start until 9:00. He was ready to go. He made himself right at home in the classroom, but didn't want to put his lunchbox in the bin because he was afraid someone would take it. He was determined to keep it in his bookbag. We'll find out if he changed his mind. I hope he has a great day. I know I 'm getting a lot done while the three of them are gone, but I do miss them.
I should've mentioned this earlier, but I husband's grandmother turns 70 tomorrow. We are hoping to fill her mailbox with tons of birthday wishes. If you are interested in sending her a birthday card, email me and I will get you her address. She would love to continue to receive birthday wishes even if her birthday has passed. Thanks in advance!