Me and Carter sharing a cuddle.

I finally got a chance to ink up my new Happy Heart Day set. I'm in the mood to get Valentine's Day projects underway. I have no idea what I'm going to make for the kids to take to school and CCD, but it'll come to me...soon I hope. Everything on my adorable elephant card is SU! , except for the pearls in the corners. Those came from Archiver's.
Thanks to all of you who supported me yesterday about the "inappropriate phone messages". When Dustin got home from work he made the call. On the messages this kids left a home phone number, a call phone number, and the caller ID had a different number on it, so we figured we had a good chance of getting ahold of someone. WRONG! He first called the number on the caller ID. No answer. Then he called the other home number that he left on his message. No answer. After several attempts calling the cell phone number, finally someone answered it. It was a young girl who claims she is this boy's cousin and it was her cell phone that he called from. After much pursuasion, she put an adult on the phone. It was grandpa. Dustin explained to him what had happened and asked for a last name, or how to get ahold of his parents. Grandpa refused to give any information and said "he'll take care of it". Yeah- right. So tomorrow I still intend on letting the school office and bus driver know what's going on. I know there is nothing they can do about it, but at least they'll have this information if they hear anything like that out of his mouth again- they can automatically have him suspended. Our school system has a ZERO tolerance policy. As far as the poilice go- one of our good friends is on the nearest police dept. We are out of their jurisdiction so everything goes to the sheriff's dept. As you know- they did NOTHING about our robbery back in Sept., so I'm pretty sure they would laugh at me if I took this to them. We had a talk with Austin last night though and reminded him that people that act like this are not people you want to be friends with. He agreed, so we'll see what tomorrow brings.